Memorial Day Remembrance


To Breathe the Air of Freedom

Memorial Day RemembranceIt has been many years since I visited Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I will never forget the sobering, haunting atmosphere that emanates from that great battlefield. You can practically hear the sounds of canons and gunfire in your mind as you drive and walk through those beautiful hills. I can just imagine Abraham Lincoln’s voice resonating with great conviction as he gave his famous speech. It is an incredible sadness that just envelopes you as you explore the monuments and learn the fates of those thousands of soldiers that died during the battles there.

I haven’t had the opportunity to visit the many civil war battlefields, many are in Virginia and Tennessee. I have read extensively about the civil war though and the great tragedy it was to this country. Can you imagine your own family choosing opposite sides to fight? It is an incomprehensible thought to me. Oh what suffering many families endured to bring unity back to this nation. It was such a costly lesson to be learned at such incredible heartache. More than 600,000 lost their lives during this war.

The civil war was one of the deadliest in terms of human life ever fought by our nation. However, as we pause today to remember all those who have given their lives for our freedom, may we acknowledge every soldier from every battle from every war. No life was insignificant for its loss. All paid the ultimate price for us.

Today many will celebrate with parades and picnics and many view Memorial Day as the beginning of summer. It is truly a time that has been set aside to decorate the graves and honor in memory all those who have given their lives for this great country. Did you know at 3 p.m. today we are supposed to pause and take a moment to remember and honor  all those fallen soldiers? I think it’s a wonderful thing to do and I hope many will follow through. As you enjoy your day today, just pause and reflect on all those who gave you the opportunity to breathe the air of freedom.

I was listening to an interview the other day and a Cuban man told an American man that He had no idea what freedom was. I have to agree with him. We need to cherish this freedom. We have not experienced living under a dictator or tyrannical government that strips you of every basic freedom.  I believe we need to continually pray for all those men and women in our armed forces who are vigilantly fighting to preserve our freedom.

I’m grateful today that the Lord has allowed me to live in America. I’m so thankful for the freedom we have been given by so many that were willing to pay the ultimate price. May we hold dear the sacrifices made by our fellow Americans and continue to pray for the safety of all those striving to serve and protect us. God Bless America

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