Sweet Land Of Liberty

The Staggering Cost of Freedom

Sweet Land Of LibertyI love road trips and traveling in general. I love exploring new places and learning new things. It also gives me time to think and try to organize my thoughts in some kind of methodical way. I think I’ve always been a writer in my heart. As I clean out old papers and files I come across random notebooks that I have written down memorable incidents over the years. I keep a notebook in my purse to record things I want to remember or maybe just pursue through research. I also love to do research.

A few days ago I went on a very short 3 hour roadtrip with my daughter to pick up a side of beef for the freezer. My friends were also buying beef and were following me. Of course I made a wrong turn and felt like I was getting dumber by the minute. I felt bad for my friends, kind of felt like the blind leading the blind! I told my daughter to look for a landmark so we don’t make this mistake again. We learned a little about breeding  cattle. I had no idea the bulls were worth so much money. We have plenty of space to raise cattle but I can’t do it because my animals are my friends and I could never eat them!

As we drove through the beautiful farmland I was thinking about that song America the beautiful and how truly blessed we are to live in a free country. Memorial day is tomorrow and I just began thinking about all the men and women who have died to make our freedom possible. I began to thank God in my heart for allowing me to live in a place where I can freely worship my God and also pursue my dreams. It is truly the land of opportunity if you’re willing to work. It’s so sad to see an emerging generation that wants instant gratification with very little effort. What about the days when we actually learned grammar and how to spell? You can graduate now and barely know how to read! A computer can think for you now.

This country wasn’t formed by a bunch of lazy men sitting behind a computer. It was built with the blood, sweat and tears of men who valued freedom, despite the staggering cost. How can you place a pricetag on freedom?

As I contemplated these thoughts about freedom, my thoughts increasingly turned to the Lord. I’m thankful to all those who have given their lives so I could live in a free country. I wish I could personally express my gratitude to each of them. That’s what the Lord Jesus did for each one of us on Calvary. When you reach that place of a personal gratitude and know he died for you personally that is when you truly can receive salvation. It isn’t knowing He died for all of us collectively, but knowing it was for you.

There is a freedom in knowing the Lord Jesus. I encourage you to lay down your burdens at the foot of the cross and receive joy unspeakable.

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