The Teacher is Always Silent During The Test

He is an ever present help in time of need

The Teacher is Always Silent During The TestI have been sorting through old paperwork, discarding what I can and storing the rest. I came across some old school papers from my children. I have tried to save the exceptional ones as well as the silly ones. I came across some history test papers that had really high scores. I started thinking about those long ago school days when I studied endlessly for tests. I could have been the eternal student. I loved school, and even more I loved to learn. I was like a sponge, just soaking up knowledge. I thought about all the various classes I attended and the tedious homework that was required to get the best grades. I thrived on those report cards, listing all those A’s.

Then my thoughts turned to the present. I’m still taking tests! I’m still going to school with my ever present God as the teacher. I go through things everyday that might appear meaningless to me but it’s all in His plan. He is preparing me for the next test I will take. It’s not like traditional school when the test dates were  announced and I had time to study. No, these tests are more like pop quizzes where you are totally unprepared and you kind of wing it. I realized though that God is constantly preparing us and when these tests/ trials come, He has already provided everything we need to go through the trial. Just as we went to class in school, we are in God’s classes every minute of our lives. He is providing the necessary skills to pass the test. When I was in school preparing for a test, I would study until I knew I was equipped to pass the test. Now, it seems the first thing on the agenda is doubting every promise of God I know to be true! Instead of placing my trust in God, my 5 star general who has never lost a battle, I start to worry and fret. I’m learning that I have to keep taking the test until I pass with flying colors. I have also realized this nugget of truth, the teacher is always silent during the test. After the teacher passes out the test papers, they wait patiently at their desk for the students to complete them.

After the Lord has given us our next trial to pass, He waits patiently for us to complete the task. He has already given us every resource we will need. His precious promises are just waiting  for us to claim them. He is our ever present help in time of need, He will never leave us or forsake us, He will be with us even in us until the end of the world…..I could list them but my point is made. Sometimes we need to just focus our attention on those promises and our doubts will begin to dwindle. He is greater than our fears and wants us to overcome them by His Word. I’m determined by His amazing Grace to place my trust in Him when my thoughts are begging me to doubt. When He is silent during the test, I want Him to smile at my progress during the trial!

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