My Healer
When my heart is overwhelmed,
lead me to that Rock
As the winter days are hopefully coming to an end, my thoughts are continually revolving around Spring. That elusive season that seemingly appears at random times each year. I have bought seeds and have spent many hours perusing the plant catalogs for the newest flower selections. However, as I read through the descriptions I find myself being drawn to the heirloom varieties. Those tried and true plant species that have lasted through the ages. The new colors and strains are definitely beautiful but oh to have those old fashioned roses that permeate the air with their lovely fragrance in a gentle breeze. Nothing can compare to the original. All the new fangled things are simply copies.
I am recovering from surgery 2 days ago. As I was contemplating my pain and temporary limitations, I was also thinking about how much things have changed in the medical world as well. I certainly wish they would invent a new way to put in an i.v. line. The nurse told me the best place was in my hand. I told her that I had a bad experience in my hand where the vein blew and was more painful than the surgery. She tried my lower arm which failed. Then my upper arm near my elbow which also failed. I whispered a prayer that the next painful poke would be a success. Sure enough the third one was the charm. When asked what my pain level was before surgery I told her it had been zero when I arrived it was now a 7 after multiple pokes but I was willing to forgive her! She laughed and it definitely lightened my mood.
After the surgery I inquired whether I had stitches or staples to close the incision. I was told I had stitches and glue! I had no idea they were gluing us together now. I thought about humpty dumpty. Thankfully, I was able to be glued together successfully!
Technology has increased tremendously since my last surgery. Unbelievable strides have been made in the medical realm. The greatest comfort to me however, is my good old fashioned God who, like those heirloom roses remains the same. Unchanged in an ever changing world. When my heart was beating extra fast before the surgery I knew that no matter how fearful I was or how much I dreaded the procedure, my God was with me. He was at my side, an ever present help in time of trouble. My doctor refused to speculate about the condition of the tumor which was removed. I won’t know if it’s malignant for another week. The waiting will be tough, the thoughts will have to be tamed and cast down. In the scheme of it all I know the ever present living God holds me in the palm of His hands and nothing can touch me outside of His will. I’m trusting His grace through these difficult hours and believing with all my heart that He answers my prayers and He is more than able to keep that which I have committed unto Him.
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