Choose to Sing
Celebrate Each Moment in this Life
Another year in the books! It is bittersweet to look back at the past year and reflect on all that transpired. It seems like the trials of this life are more and more difficult to navigate. The world around us is becoming so anti God and so anti good too! It seems people are focused on evil instead of good. The bible principles that we hold dear are constantly being challenged and family values are eroding right before our eyes. I am grateful at the end of this year to be able to proclaim my love for my God and His precious Word. He has sustained me through another year filled with heartache as well as joyful times. He has provided everything I needed to overcome every hardship. During those times of great despair He gave me strength to praise Him still. I know He wants to hear us sing when it seems like crushing circumstances are tearing us apart. The following words to a song have brought me great comfort through many trials. As you read the words, imagine being in that jail cell and rejoicing nevertheless. You might be facing your own prison in your mind, choose to sing!
Their chains were fastened tight Down at the jail that night
Still Paul and Silas would not be dismayed
They said, “It’s time to lift our voice,
Sing praises to the Lord
Let’s prove that we will trust Him, come what may.”
God wants to hear you sing
When the waves are crashing round you
When the firey darts surround you
When despair is all you see
God wants to hear your voice
When the wisest man has spoken
And says your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
That’s when God wants to hear you sing
He loves to hear our praise
On our cheerful days
When the pleasant times out weigh the bad, by far
But when suffering comes along
And we still sing Him songs
That is when we bless the Father’s heart
Many are eagerly awaiting the new years celebrations tonight. Others will pray in the new year, asking for God’s blessings. Others are suffering through tragic times and will not be celebrating at all. I’m very sad today for the family of my sister in law. She lost her father last night very unexpectedly. I’m sure as they are reeling from their loss, they are not excited about the new year. I would like to encourage everyone who reads this today to be thankful for breath and life today. We have no promise of tomorrow. We take for granted the plans we make will materialize. As you make plans for the new year, acknowledge the Lord in your plans. He alone knows how many days we will sojourn on this earth. He has a purpose for each one of us to fulfill. Sometimes we lose sight of that as we live for ourselves. Live for others this coming year! Store up treasures in heaven. Someday those treasures will be all that remains of this life we have been given.