Storm Warning

The storm watch has expired, the warnings are now in effect

Storm WarningWe were driving home last night from Detroit which is about an hour away. I was driving and my husband was with me. Almost immediately after we entered the highway, there was just a sea of red brake lights in front of us. I groaned out loud, envisioning the hour long drive now turning into multiple hours. As I drove, very slowly, I realized the road was literally a sheet of ice! We were driving a four wheel drive vehicle that normally makes you feel safe but honestly on ice it doesn’t really matter what you’re driving. There were three solid lanes of traffic and there are cement walls on both sides. If you started sliding there would be no where to go. No median, no ditches to take refuge in. I began praying for safe passage.

As I drove I couldn’t help thinking about the fatal car accident pile up that had just happened two days prior. It happened not far from where we live. There were 40 cars that collided on the highway and three people died. It’s hard to imagine how this can happen but in reality when the snow is coming down so hard you can’t see far enough ahead of you to safely stop or even realize there are stopped vehicles directly in front of you. It happens every year. I read about a man who was in the massive pile up and safely escaped injury. He began running to the back of the line of cars and warning drivers to stop before they became part of the accident. I believe his actions saved lives and further destruction that day.

When I checked the weather forecast this morning there is a weather watch for tomorrow for possibly up to 8 inches of snow. A “watch” means the possibilities exist and to be prepared for it to happen. As the storm approaches it turns into a “warning” and this means it will and is happening and to take cover. When we have spring and summer storms we know if a tornado watch is posted that we should watch the skies and be prepared. If a warning is issued we know a tornado has been spotted and we need to take cover.  The threat has manifested itself. Tomorrow we just have a winter storm watch currently, but at some time in the next 24 hours it will become a warning and we will have to be prepared for a major snowfall.

As I was driving home last night, thoughts of that terrible accident were flooding my mind. I thought of that man, rushing to warn others that destruction was just ahead. I thought to myself, that’s exactly what’s happening here in this world.  We know the coming of the Lord is very near and we need to be warning all of humanity to prepare for the coming of the Lord. We need to be manifesting Christ to a lost and hopeless world. There is so much we need to be doing, not just saying we believe it, but actually doing something about it.  We can still make a difference in the lives of people despite their negligence in desiring God. I believe the watches have expired and the warnings have been posted. The coming of the Lord is at hand. Let’s be prepared to meet the King!

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