He’s Always The Same

He can move mountains!

He’s Always The Same

First Snowfall!

Finally, our first snowfall of the season. The gloomy winter days without leaves on the trees has become tiresome. The lovely white snow not only brightens the landscape but is refreshing to those of us who enjoy it. It wasn’t much of a snowstorm but it’s always exciting to see those first snowflakes coming down. It is like the reality check that winter has truly arrived.

Christmas is just around the corner and there are so many things to accomplish before then. I love the holiday season because of all the family and extended family we get to visit with. It is also a time that seems to spread good cheer amongst humanity. I guess we all have our likes and dislikes about holidays. I truly love the Christmas music. Some of the old songs from so many decades ago have such wonderful messages in them. Of course there are also the classic favorites we all know and love, Jingle bells, Frosty the snowman, It’s the most wonderful time of the year….I keep the music playing throughout the day in my kitchen and often pause to just enjoy it while sitting by the fire.

I woke up early this morning around 5 a.m. and after making coffee and building a fire, have just spent time meditating about the goodness of God. I was thinking  how we all look forward to the changing seasons. I have been eagerly checking the weather forecast, anticipating this snowfall (and wishing for a real blizzard). I have been making plans for the holidays with my family. I have two new kittens in the barn that I love to spend time with everyday…..As I was thinking about how much we look forward to change, I became very thankful that I serve a God who doesn’t change! What a thought! He is always the same! He is always steadfast and solid.

We all know people we can count on. You can ask them to pray for you and you know they actually will. You can ask a favor and they will gladly do it. They have wonderful attributes but they also have faults and can’t possibly always be the same. God, on the other hand is always the same.  That thought just comforted me this morning as I began to pray. He can move mountains, if we believe it. He can bring healing, no matter what the diagnosis is. He can heal heartache. He can lead you through the treacherous rapids and prevent you from going over the falls. He can save your loved ones. He can literally meet every need that you have in this life.

I know the Lord is worthy of our worship. I think a lot of people might think that’s what you do in church, is worship the Lord. I believe that’s a very small part.  I believe the way we live our lives each and every day is how we worship the Lord. My desire is that I can live a life that pleases Him as I go through trials. Am I singing in the rain? Smiling through my pain? Refusing to complain? That is where real worship takes place!

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