Holmes County Ohio
A Glorious Explosion Of Color
If a picture paints a thousand words, then being where the picture is being taken must paint more! I have been in beautiful Holmes County, Ohio this week and it is just a glorious explosion of color. In the first 3 days, I snapped more than 1000 pictures.
Holmes County is home to a large Amish community. There are horses and buggies, fresh farm produce, numerous types of meats, cheeses and canned goods, lovely quilts, delicious meals, etc… This area of Ohio is very hilly and the landscape is breathtaking this time of year. We have spent many hours just driving through the countryside just absorbing God’s beautiful creation. There are fields of cows, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens….I love watching a team of horses cutting a field of corn. There are clothesline filled with colorful dresses flapping in the wind. I never tire of coming here. It makes me happy to know there are still people who can display their way of life to a very unforgiving world. They believe in a very simple life that is uncomplicated with the technology we hold so dear.
When we think of the Amish, certain characteristics come to mind. They certainly have beautiful farms and gardens. The women wear dresses and are not ashamed to do so. They don’t have cars, but horses, buggies and bicycles. They make beautiful furniture and quilts. They are simple and dedicated people. I admire how they have carved a way of life out of these lovely hills and are proud to display it to the world.
I might differ with some of their beliefs but I do so admire their dedication and adherence to their way of life. I want to emulate that dedication in my life. I want the whole world to know of my love for my God, my adherence to His Word. I want to display my beliefs to a world that desperately needs hope. That needs to see a living God manifesting himself in his people. There is so much discouragement, disappointment and despair. There is also a remedy, but it comes with a price. The cost is being willing to give your life to serve the King of Kings. There is truly no greater Joy than to serve the One who gives us breath everyday, who holds us in the palm of His hand. The Amish are proudly displaying their lifestyle to a skeptical world. I want to do the same but with a different goal in mind. I want to persuade someone to join the ranks of personally knowing the God of all creation. To know him in not only the power of His resurrection but in the fellowship of His suffering.
I have so much enjoyed being here in this beautiful place. God certainly created a palette of amazing colors, displayed in all the foliage of the trees. I love cows and have taken many photos of them this week. I was going through my pictures last night and viewing the cows on the hills with the colorful trees behind them. I couldn’t help but think of that scripture that my God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is truly an awesome God.