Crushing The Strongholds
Today is a gloomy overcast day, very similar to the numerous winter days that appear just like this one. Although winter is still in the not too distant future, I am not ready for these gloomy days. I love the sunshine! A few days ago it was so dark outside, the outside light on the barn was still on at 10 am. It usually comes on at dusk and goes off when the sun comes up.
I still have tomatoes to can and I have dozens of jalapeño peppers in the sink to make hot pepper jelly. I have dozens of plants outside that I want to overwinter in the barn. I have much to do but I really battle with the gloomy days. Last night at church I heard a sermon about changing the atmosphere. No one is here today except me, everyone has gone to work. However, it doesn’t take another human being to create a bad atmosphere. My own personal thoughts and dislike for the gloominess outside can accomplish that all by itself!
So I am determined to change the atmosphere in my mind today to one that will please the Lord. First, and most importantly, I have prayed and asked the Lord to be with me in all I endeavor to accomplish today. I have no idea what trials I will go through today, but I know the One who knows all things and to Him I can commit my day. I always start my prayers with thanksgiving to the Lord for the breath and strength He has given. If we spent all of our negative energy just thanking the Lord, we wouldn’t have much time to complain!
My next order of business is to turn on every existing light in my kitchen to help me physically battle the gloominess. Sometimes I enjoy music also but today I just want to enjoy the silence. Sometimes the quietness just helps me appreciate things and helps me focus better on the tasks at hand.
I then gathered my jars for canning and started them washing in the dishwasher while I prepared the tomatoes and peppers. At the the end of the day I might have struggled to combat the gloominess, but those glistening jars of tomatoes and jelly on the counter are proof that I overcame my thoughts!
Sometimes it feels like it’s fruitless to pray. Do I still have unanswered questions? Yes! Absolutely! Do I see any immediate changes taking place after my tearful pleas to my heavenly Father? No, not at all. I have however found that while I’m prayerfully seeking the Lord, my battles in my mind are being won. Those strongholds are being crushed by His lovely presence. My fears are being calmed by a peace that can only come from Him. I know He hears each and every prayer and I also know an answer is on the way. It might not be the answer I’m wanting but I know He holds me in the palm of His hand and all is well.
The gloomy days might not be an issue for many people but for me it’s a constant battle through the long winter months. I also know that a living God will provide every thing I need to fight that battle! Fight your battles on your knees!