Examples vs. Opinions

Do you want to be an example,

or share an opinion?

Examples vs. Opinions

I listened to a sermon a few days ago when I heard a quote that really inspired me. It said “the world changes by your example not your opinion”. We don’t have to search very far to hear a multitude of opinions! People don’t have a problem expressing how and what should be done about the current affairs in the world. How many are willing to roll up their sleeves and actually work at making changes? How many good and positive examples do we have to follow? We can’t simply follow an opinion. Opinions change like the wind.

When we have a goal in mind we start searching for examples of others who have achieved like minded goals.  We spend time researching what did and didn’t work to reach those goals. We then set our course based on the example someone has set before us.

When I first became a mother I closely observed the different ways other mothers were raising their children.  I wanted to follow the examples of those that successfully raised respectful happy kids.  I began to realize that the key was to be willing to pay the price. The price consisted of giving up your wants and wishes and instilling values in your children that would combat all the negative influences they would face. Since I had 7 children the cost was pretty steep! It meant years of sacrifice on my part to spend the necessary time that was needed for each child. We spent hours and hours just learning to sit still. The rewards were great though. After my very young children learned to sit still, they could sit through a church service, dinner in a restaurant, etc…

I was in the store a few days ago and the lady ahead of me in line created a huge distraction for me. She had 9, yes 9 children with her and they all called her Mom so I knew they were all hers. The reason they caused such a distraction wasn’t because of their loud disrespectful behaviour but just the opposite. They all waited quietly, patiently and very respectfully in line as they checked out of the store. I just marveled at the training I knew they had received at home. That quote I had just heard came back to my thoughts as I witnessed this wonderful example of what a great job this mom was doing. She was proving to the world that kids can be good in the store, even though there were so many of them.

It’s nice to share our opinions with friends, family and coworkers. Even greater than our opinions though is the example we can share not only to those we know but to those we don’t know. You don’t have to observe someone very long to know own what they place value in. The way they treat others,  speaks volumes. Most people want to be served, not be a servant.

I believe the Lord Jesus clearly made eternal life visible and approachable because of His example. The example He left us is very clear. May we strive to be good positive examples that we may win others to Christ, not to an empty opinion.

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