The Rest of the Story

What we obtain too cheap,

We esteem too lightly….

The Rest of the StoryA few weeks ago I wrote about my trials with getting new flooring and also about my dog not doing well. Several people have inquired about the outcome of my floors and also my dog. So here is my answer!

Yes my floors are beautiful. I literally despised the trials I went through to get them. The cost was a lot more than we expected because of all the trim moldings that were broken during the remodeling as well as the toilet the workers broke. The company was very unapologetic and not the least concerned that we were unhappy with their customer service. We own a company and the satisfaction of our customers is our number one priority. I am still in shock at the non caring attitude that was portrayed about the terrible service. The end result is good because my husband was able to finish the job and replace the broken items. I would never recommend this company, based on my experience. I value an opinion when searching for businesses. I also realized that even though a company has positive reviews, I would never be satisfied again with written reviews, only with real life conversations with satisfied customers.

I am still contemplating writing a review myself. It wouldn’t be for the sake of complaining about my experience but I feel an honest review is warranted so other people don’t have to endure what I did.  There are other companies that value customer satisfaction and I would much  prefer to work with those companies.

We had to cut our vacation short because of all the flooring installation delays, we left a day late. While we were gone my dog started having major health issues. My kids thought she had a stroke and took her to the vet. I was beside myself with worry. I expected to come home to say goodbye to my dear friend. However, she only had 2 severe ear infections that was causing all her symptoms. We came home a day early so I could take care of her.  She responded very well to the medication and extra loving care from me! She has almost completely recovered and I’m thrilled to have my buddy at my side once again. She is 13.5 and I know her days are numbered and I’m grateful the Lord has given us more time together.

I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster during these trials. I was upset about my floors,  one delay and problem after another. I was worried sick about my dog. I started thinking about what if the Lord gave us a questionnaire about which trials we would like to go through? That sounds silly but in reality we would never choose the gut wrenching trials that send us to our knees in desperate prayer.  It is those trials though that are building character and teaching us that suffering is a necessary part of growing up into mature Christians.  It seems like every trial I go through, I’m recognizing how much I need the Lord. I need His guidance, comfort and most of all His presence because I know I can’t do this on my own.

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