Who are you reflecting?
Last night was one of those nights I just couldn’t shut my mind off in order to sleep. I tossed and turned to no avail. Sleep just wouldn’t come. I went in the bathroom this morning and studied my reflection in the mirror. This is what I saw, wrinkles, age spots, a brain tumor scar, thinning hair, weariness, fatigue etc… I couldn’t deny the reality of my reflection in that mirror.
I have seen pictures of Abraham Lincoln that depicted his haggard appearance. You could see the lines etched on his face, a result of the heavy burden he carried. He never failed to acknowledge his total dependency on God for the answers he sought to unify this country. His character that was displayed was the result of much prayer. He was literally standing in the gap amongst very angry people. I have always been inspired and motivated by his quotes and stories. I can feel his integrity that has been recorded through the pages of time. He was not persuaded by men but rather by his God. Lincoln suffered greatly much personal loss as well as the agony he endured from an unhappy nation. I think of the legacy he left. I don’t even know the names of many of our presidents but Lincoln was a reflection of beliefs that I hold dear.
Today there are few, if any, in powerful positions that reflect integrity and character. There is no interest in preserving the liberty our forefathers died for. Instead, the motives are power and greed and popularity. People are seeking to see how much they can get away with rather than seeking to reflect what is good and righteous.
I was thinking this morning about what we are reflecting? Are our motives pure ? Is God pleased with our decisions? Are we reflecting His love? His Compassion? His Empathy? His Selflessness? We can look in that mirror of our lives and fool a lot of people. We can never fool ourselves and never fool God.
We have hired people at our machine shop who claimed they were very experienced machinists. When they were required to actually perform what they supposedly could do, another story emerged! Pretense only gets you so far.
When we look in the mirror we see an exact reflection of who we are on the outside. It does not reflect who we are on the inside. Only God himself can judge our hearts. We are even deceived by our own hearts.
As I pondered all these thoughts in my heart this morning, I knew I was falling short. I want my life to reflect all the goodness of God to this world who has lost a consciousness of what is good and pleasing. I want my faith to be on display, not my fears. I want to see that cup half full instead of half empty. I want to pursue those things the Lord has laid on my heart to accomplish. I want to have a greater purpose than my own. I want to reflect my Heavenly Father.