Sparkling New
Restoring A Heart To Jesus
The day has finally arrived for the beginning phase of my new floors. Oh what a mess! The old floor and sub floor have been torn out in my kitchen and mudroom. There are piles of plaster like material that used to level the floor, my refrigerator is now residing on the carpet remnants by the stairs and there are flies everywhere. The door was open so many times and those pesky flies rushed in to enjoy the air conditioning. It’s 90 outside today.
As much as I have looked forward to my new floors I’m sad to see the old ones go! We built these floors 23 years ago when we added an addition to our home. I remember choosing the exact colors of green that I wanted and the excitement of a brand new kitchen. I literally never got tired of it. If it wasn’t worn out from the wear and tear of raising 7 children, I would not be getting new floors!
As the men were busily ripping out my floors I decided to stay outside and do something productive despite the extreme heat. I managed to get my aquarium loaded onto a cart with wheels so I could maneuver it out of the kitchen during the floor installation. I emptied it completely of fish and put the plastic plants in the dishwasher and dragged it outside on the porch and began scrubbing. The hose made it a breeze to clean and I’m so happy to have a sparkling aquarium to put in my kitchen. I have always had an aquarium since I was a young child. It has always been a soothing, relaxing part of my decor. I have found it will calm and relax a baby and has done so many times throughout the years!
As I scrubbed the stones and cleaned the glass I thought of how refreshing it is to have something clean and fresh again! It always looks pretty clean but now it is sparkling clean! I thought of how often things appear to be good and things seem to be well on the surface. However, underneath that veneer unseen things are happening.
They say a disease can be forming in your body for 7 years before it’s diagnosed! You might feel great but something inside is going haywire. How many people are suffering emotionally but we don’t know until it’s too late to help them.
My aquarium is clean, my kitchen will have a new floor tomorrow but what about all the unseen suffering the Lord wants me to help with? As I swept remnants off the floor and scrubbed the glass, I vowed in my heart to renew my efforts to restore my fallen brothers and sisters in Christ. My floor was replaceable in due time, but a heart can only be restored when the love of God beckons.
I have been very focused on this project and I have health problems I battle with constantly. I still have a sound mind though and a heart that longs to obey the bidding of my heavenly Father. My greatest desire is to be a part of restoring a life to the Lord. To witness that brand new sparkling creature that comes from surrendering to our God.