Build Or Rebuild A Life

Pass Out The Hammers!

Build Or Rebuild A Life

My life has been so crazy busy this past week.  The heat has been almost unbearable and I try to squeeze in some weeding everyday in the early morning. My garden is absolutely beautiful. Yesterday was Father’s day and a very enjoyable day for us as we had our children (5) who live close enough to come, over for dinner.  We grilled delicious steaks and enjoyed being together.  Our 2 daughters who live out of state were missed! We don’t all get together very often sometimes a few years pass before all 7 children are here together.

One of my daughters gave my husband a hammer for Father’s day. It is very special indeed. It has the words ” thank you for helping me build my life”. Those are very precious and priceless words. It made me reminisce through the past years of my life and realize how many people were responsible for helping me build and rebuild my life.

When things don’t always work out the way we want them to we can get very discouraged and view our future in a hopeless manner.  It’s easy to forget those who were instrumental in helping us pick up the pieces and put it all back together.

I remember when I had a bone graft done and a bone tumor removed at the same time.  I had 2 surgical sites on the same side of my body and I was in incredible pain. I had 3 daughters, 3 and under and I was on crutches for 4 months. I learned how to improvise but more importantly my neighbors and friends implemented a plan to help me with household chores through the very long recovery. I will never forget any of those people and the sacrifices they made for me.

When I broke my ankle and leg, it required 3 surgeries and 5 months of physical therapy. I remember telling my physical therapist that in the dark ages they called it a torture chamber! My doctor told me though that it was due to my wonderful therapist and the grueling things he put me through that I regained full range of motion in an ankle that had endured 7 surgeries.  Again, I am forever grateful.

I got a virus 10 years ago that forever changed my good health. It destroyed my immune system and I have endured 5 more surgeries. I’m so thankful for all of my friends and my dear family who have relentlessly encouraged and supported me through it all. Forever grateful to my God who has helped me over and over to pick up the pieces and help find the missing ones to complete this mind boggling puzzle.

Yes there have been countless people and my beloved dog who have supported me through the worst of times. It is truly amazing how much a text, phone call, card or a small token of love can encourage someone. I want to encourage everyone who reads this to reach out today and help someone build or rebuild their life.  We all have the capacity and capability to be a support to someone in need. It can change a life and it will reward you in ways that can’t be fulfilled in any other way.

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