Memories Are Fixed, Not Flexible

Pressing On For The Lord

Pressing on for the LordWe had a wonderful service this morning at church. We had a visiting minister, one that holds a very special place in my heart. He was the minister that was preaching when I gave my heart to the Lord, nearly 37 years ago. I always think of him in a grateful way, since he was able to penetrate my stubborn heart and show me my need of Jesus Christ. It was definitely a life changing event.

I was just thinking how much has transpired in the past 37 years and how lost I would still be if I had not heeded that gentle voice beckoning me to follow Him! He has brought me through great physical trials, emotional upheavals, financial crisis,  etc… I can’t imagine living each day without the security and protection of the Lord

As I was pondering the past I thought about how nice would it be to be able to have replays! Where we could go back to a trial and say the right thing, act the right way, make the right choice….but that sounds like robots to me!

When I first became a mother, I had no idea what I was doing. There wasn’t a class to take in school that prepares you for endless crying and sleepless nights and temper tantrums! As I  had more children I could draw on my bank of experience to help me make better decisions. As I think back to those first few years as a mother I know it was the grace of God that got me through with a sound mind!

Now my children are all adults and I relish the opportunity to see them and share my experiences with them. I don’t want them to repeat the same mistakes I made. Yes, wishing we could relive past situations because we could nail it this time, doesn’t bring much comfort. The wonderful thing about God is that He doesn’t make mistakes and forgives us of all of ours.

I thought of all the things maybe I could have done differently and realize I couldn’t possess what I have today, by escaping those hard rough times. Our character is being shaped by what we overcome, not what we avoid.

I am a very different person today than I was 37 years ago. Better I hope! I am learning everyday to stay focused on what is essential. Just letting the incidental things that fill my life, take their proper place. It’s so easy to let the cares of this life weigh us down to where we are ineffective Christians.

We don’t get to go back and fix the past! The important thing is to let go of it and move forward. I have encouraged many people over the years to stop trying to change the past. When we are watching a sporting event and they show an instant replay, it is repeated exactly, no changes.

I was encouraged today to see someone from my past still pressing on towards that mark of excellence. There is truly no greater privilege than to be a child of the King of Kings and to serve Him from a grateful heart.

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