Making A Difference

Rescue That “Starfish” In Your Life!

Making A DifferenceI read a news article this morning online that made me very sad and also very angry. It told of a very frightened dog that was found along side the highway with its muzzle taped shut. I think as both a Mom and a dog lover something inside you just rises up and wants to reach out and protect the helpless and abused. I felt so sad for this helpless dog and wished I could personally help it.

How many occasions do we have to reach out and help someone? We see the plight of many all around us and sometimes our attitude becomes one of not wanting to get involved or maybe feeling like there are so many needs that helping just one is a simple drop in the bucket.

As I was walking on the beach observing the myriad of life that inhabits the ocean I was reminded of a powerful story. The story tells of a young boy walking along the shore. As he walks he sees many starfish stranded on the beach, far from the waters edge. He begins stopping and picking them up one by one and throwing them back to the safety of the ocean waves. An old man is ambling along the sandy shore, watching the young boy toss the starfish. He says to him, what’s the point, you can’t save them all? The boy stops for a minute, contemplating the man’s words then bending down and grabbing another starfish, says “no but I can make a difference for this one.” He flings it into the ocean, knowing he has just saved the life of that starfish.

I know that attitude he possessed, one of compassion, is the attitude we need to save that starfish on the beach. That starfish might represent your child, lost in sin. Maybe a coworker with marriage problems, or a friend with substance abuse. Maybe it’s a lonely neighbor without family. The bible tells us, some having compassion, making a difference. We can have compassion and we can make a difference.

We had a neighbor years ago who we were told to avoid, because he had a severe drinking problem. We live in the country and he lived about half a mile away. The first time I met him was when his dog wandered into our yard and he came searching for him. Despite all the negative things I had been told, I felt such compassion for this man. I have 7 children and I was used to cooking for a crowd. We always had leftovers! So one night after Making A Differencedinner I fixed a plate for our neighbor and also packed a loaf of zucchini bread and my husband took it down to him. The old man was so astonished he was literally speechless. Several days later he brought me a hen that had her own little baby chicks! Then he started bringing us fresh eggs and we reciprocated with meals and fresh baked goods.

We did this for several years and after the neighbor died we were  told by his children what a wonderful blessing we were to this man. It was a single act of compassion that made a difference in his life.


We all have a “starfish” on the beach that needs to be rescued! Reach out today and fling it back to life!

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