To Every Thing There Is A Season

Longing For Spring!

To Every Thing There Is A Season

I think all of us who live in a northern climate have spring fever. We simply cannot wait to go outside and enjoy those balmy spring days. Well for those of us in Michigan those days are still on the horizon. We have had a few teaser days where it was nearly 70 degrees and we thought, hoped and prayed this was the end of winter. Not so. The 15 day forecast still has snow predicted!

For me, spring means fluffy little chick’s, brand new to the world and so adorable. They grow quickly and within 6 months have become my new egg providers.

I also look forward to the new baby goats. There is nothing cuter than a baby goat frolicking in the field and playing together on the picnic tables. They love to run and jump and provide so much enjoyment for me!

I stored many planters in the barn this past winter and never watered them. It wasn’t my intent to save the plants, just the planters so they didn’t freeze and break. I was checking them the other day in preparation of moving them back outside. I was surprised to see new growth in many of the pots. They received no water or sunlight and yet new life is springing forth! A true testament to a living God and a resurrection to life. There is no man made substitute for life! It can only come from one source and it’s so refreshing to watch a “dead” plant unfurl those brand new leaves.

I also have been examining my flower beds, now that the snow has melted. Everyday something new is poking through the soil and resurrecting from the cold dark earth that winter brought. It makes me want to get out there and start raking away the dead leaves and trimming back unnecessary branches. It’s too soon though and I have to be content studying the seed catalogs and planning my new additions.

As I contemplate spring and all the new life that emerges around the farm, it also provokes something stirring on the inside too. A yearning to clear away the cobwebs that have accumulated through the long winter days and renewing my mind to the goodness of God and all the newness he provides His children. A literal well of life overflowing in its abundance and it never slows down, evaporates or runs dry. I know that no matter how bleak things may look I can look up to my Heavenly father for His sustainability.

My flowerbeds are depending on those spring rains to bring the nourishment they require. I’m depending on God to provide what I require. I’m literally seeing a cobweb like formation in my eye until it heals and it has become so frustrating. However, I know the Lord is very aware of my situation and He will provide healing at the appointed time. Just as I want spring to hurry up and arrive, I want healing also.

He has assured us that to everything there is a season. Sometimes we just have to be patient and wait for that season to arrive! Hurry spring!

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