New and Improved
It seems like everywhere I go I see those words “new and improved”! I see them in the grocery store, the seed catalogs, the billboards along the highway…. you literally can’t go very far without being reminded that there is a new and improved version of practically everything that exists!
I love dogs of all breeds, whether or not they are purebred or mutts of unknown origin. Labradors are my favorites for many reasons. Others feel the same but they don’t like the fact that they shed. So behold, the new improved version, the labradoodle! It is half lab and half poodle. It looks like a curly lab. They are absolutely wonderful dogs with traits of both breeds but they don’t shed. I, however, want the original! I want the good old lab that loves to swim and retrieve and that can hold a baby Chick in its mouth and race through the yard and never injure it.
What about the new and improved rose bushes? They are spectacular in color and variety. I love the old heirloom roses that are not only disease resistant but smell heavenly. The fragrance of an old fashioned rose blooming in the yard can rival any man made version!
We have new and improved appliances that last less than half the time my older versions did. My old refrigerator in the basement is 30 years old and has never seen a repair man. However, my “new and im proved ” frig in my kitchen has been serviced 3 times in 3 years!
We constantly see new and improved drugs to combat every ailment known to man. If you read the side effects, they are far worse than the disease you are trying to treat! It may cause suicidal thoughts or even death, what? Yet people flock to use these drugs.
What about Christianity? Where are the people willing to pray all night to see God answer a prayer? Deliverance from drugs, alcohol and smoking? All that is required is a simple prayer of faith and belief in a supernatural God who has never needed to improve on anything? It takes sacrifice and dedication to reap these promises from our Heavenly Father. Most want the new and improved version that requires little effort.
We try and reason everything out, go to the doctor first. What about going to our God in prayer and expecting a supernatural answer? I have witnessed miracles. I think the greatest miracle is changing the heart of unbelief into one of faith and trust.
I was just thinking about how God is so perfect that He never has to improve! He never has to change His mind despite the changing times. His Word is forever settled in heaven. We go through our lives and constantly change our minds, our plans and our dreams. But we have an awesome God to direct us in His unchanging ways. He never bows down to the pressures of a liberal society that continues to shun the principles of the Bible.
It is getting harder and harder to find people who really want a God who doesn’t change. He is truly the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn’t need to improve on the old tried and true gospel that has brought salvation to many through the ages.
He remains the same. No need to be new and improved. You can’t improve perfection!