Concoction To Fight Infection
Build Your Immunity!
The long winter months are definitely a time of fighting viruses and various sicknesses. This winter has been extremely mild and we are more susceptible to germs than ever. We depend on the cold weather, that we all complain about, to kill germs that cause us to fight sickness all winter. I have a very weak immune system that was caused by a terrible virus. It destroyed my body’s ability to fight off simple afflictions that wouldn’t affect most people.
I am very careful about being in situations that will compromise my immune system. I am always researching natural remedies to heal the body. I am not a fan of synthetic drugs to cure sickness. More often than not they simply mask the cause and just treat the symptoms. I do try and seek natural ways to heal.
Last winter I found a recipe for a concoction that is supposed to kill every infection in your body. I don’t know how true that statement is but I do know that it is quite amazing in its ability to heal. It is very powerful stuff. The following recipe is for my revised version of this concoction. I have made it so many times and have changed a few of the original quantities.
- I use a 2 quart canning jar with a plastic lid. It’s important to use glass, not plastic and not a metal lid.
- 1 large sweet onion
- 10 pieces of turmeric (about the size of your smallest finger)
- 10 cloves garlic
- 1 large horseradish root
- 4 jalapeño peppers
- 1 or 2 ginger roots
- 1 bottle of Braggs apple cider vinegar (with mother)
I chop everything and place it in the empty 2 quart jar. I don’t remove the seeds from the jalapeños. Your jar should be almost full when all the ingredients are chopped. I then fill it with the vinegar and let it sit on my counter for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks I strain everything out, wash the jar and put the liquid back in jar. The stuff that has been strained out can be used for cooking but I find it too hot! I either feed it to my chickens or put it in the compost.
The concoction is quite hot but very effective. If you aren’t sick you can take a tablespoon every day to prevent sickness. If you’re sick you take 5-6 tablespoons a day.
I have given this stuff to many people throughout the past year and heard many great testimonies. I keep a jar going on my counter all the time and we always run out. My daughter who is a school teacher, and exposed constantly to viruses, takes it daily and rarely gets sick. She loves it.
If you’re looking for a natural remedy to fight infections and build your immunity, try this out.