Honduras Part 14

Sunday January 28, 2001 Day 14 of

Honduras trip

Honduras Part 14I still feel a little sick this morning.  I’m not eating yet. We will have our final 2 services today at Bro Casco’s church. The first service begins at 9 am. The church is only about 5 minutes from his house. It is on top of a very steep hill with really huge steps to walk up! It is situated on several different levels. There are about 350 people in the congregation. The music was so incredibly beautiful.  They have an organ, piano, guitars, trumpets, oboes, violins, viola etc…. It was just like a full orchestra.  So much talent and so wonderful to see them using their gifts for the Lord. Some of the music you recognize but most of the time you don’t.  I don’t understand most of the words because I have to stop and think in English what a Spanish word means! I’m learning more every day but it would take a REALLY long time for me to think in Spanish!

John preached about relationships and so many were encouraged and told him it would change the direction of their marriages. I believe  they were sincere.

We then went and ate at Pizza Hut. I always eat pizza after I’ve been sick. It always settles my stomach. We were able to get Pepsi in a can so I  didn’t have to drink pop from a carbonated machine or ice made from their water. I have learned my lesson! My stomach is fine now, it has been just over 24 hours.

We then went back to the church which is on the other side of the city. The 2nd service starts at 3:30 so that the people have time afterwards to catch their buses home before they shut down for the day. The people expressed their great appreciation for the Word. There aren’t many that speak English so it is hard to “talk”. Whenever I find someone who speaks English it is like a breath of fresh air to be able to communicate. We prayed for a 17 year old girl  with an enlarged heart. The doctor’s had told her she wouldn’t live past 5. These people are almost completely dependent on the Lord for healing. They don’t have the finances or the resources to seek medical attention and their trust is in our supernatural God who provides healing to His precious children.

We then stopped at the grocery store with the ever present guards with rifles, and got some snacks. We went back to Bro Casco’s home and had fellowship with his family. John and I talked til very late with Bro Casco. We expressed our dreams and hopes for supporting the continuing work of the Lord in Central America.  Things are very different  here. In the States churches are always splitting because of doctrinal differences or other issues. Here, they are starting from scratch all the time! The established churches then rally around each new work. I believe  that’s how it’s supposed to be. People have lost their burden for lost souls and are more interested in a reputation.  I know my burden has grown so much from this trip. To be able to see and feel the needs and experience the hardships has been a blessing to me.

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