Honduras Part 13
Saturday January 27, 2001 Day 13
Honduras trip
Today is my daughter Elizabeth’s 18th birthday. I can hardly wait to call home tonight and I’m counting the days until we go home! I miss the children so much. I hope Anne, my youngest is doing ok, I can’t wait to hug her!
We will be driving back to Bro Casco’s this morning. There will be an evening service tonight about 45 minutes away from his home.
At breakfast this morning we were talking to the 2 waitresses in our limited Spanish, about our family. It was kind of amazing how much we could communicate. I think if I was here for a few months I could speak Spanish enough to get by. Bro Casco and Bro Abraham showed up and invited the waitresses to the church we had just attended. I really hope they go and find Jesus. The one waitress hugged me when we left and I “felt” that hug in the depths of my heart.
We ate at Burger King for lunch back in Tegucigalpa. I knew better than to drink pop there, because the ice cubes are made with the local water. But unfortunately I did and now I’m sick again.
I wasn’t able to go to the evening service, I guess the Lord knows I need rest.
Everywhere we have gone the people say we look so young! Haha I’m glad they think so. They are always surprised to find out we have 7 children and the oldest is 19!. I certainly don’t feel young, after this trip I feel more like I have aged a few decades!
I slept for awhile and my stomach is starting to settle a little. I have learned that coke with a lemon in it does wonders for your stomach here. I called home and talked to three of my daughter’s, Elizabeth, Rosemary and Anne. There were lots of tears. We’re all anxious to see one another. I know the tremendous strain it has been on all of them and I just pray God will bless each of them in a special way.
John got back late. I was trying to sleep but my stomach is still very queasy. It takes about 24 hours to get it out of your system. Hopefully tomorrow I will be ready to get back on schedule. I know most Americans that come here battle with stomach issues. The food is very different and the heat and harsh conditions all work against you. You just keep encouraging yourself that you are here in the name of the Lord and pray for your stomach to quickly adjust. You try to pick and choose what is good to eat and at the same time you are conscious of not wanting to offend these poor and humble people. You forget words that people say to you that hurt, but it’s so much harder to forget the way they made you feel. I want to leave a good testimony here and I want my love for these people to be felt despite my sickness. May it be so!