Honduras Part 8
Monday January 22, 2001 Day 8 of Honduras trip
We got up early this morning, we had to be at the airport at 6a.m. We just flew from Tegucigalpa to San Salvador the capital of El Salvador. We changed planes and are waiting to take off for Managua. We have 6 boxes of bibles for the missionaries who run the orphanage. I also have a goat book and some information I made copies of for them also. They are interested in raising goats for milk for the orphan babies. I definitely can help answer goat questions!
It is a beautiful sunny day. It is very hot here, I would guess in the 90’s. Oh how I miss the snow and cold! I do not like hot weather.
My stomach is back to normal. It is used to American junk food! I packed candy and crackers in case we can’t eat in Nicaragua. When we were flying here we saw a rainbow below us! I believe its just another sign of God’s continual presence on this trip.
After we arrived in Managua, the capital city, we ate lunch at the Best Western restaurant. We ordered hamburgers, they were Spanish hamburgers. Our stomachs are still holding out! We then drove to the orphanage, about 1.5 hours.
We met Cheri and her 9 children, Americans who run the orphanage. Cheri’s husband Scott was in Costa Rica at the time we were there. They came to Nicaragua many years ago by a vision from God. These people have given their lives to edify the body of Christ and to build this orphanage. They have a tremendous vision to reach out to lost souls.
We had a wonderful visit. I’m praying that someday we will see the fruit of this visit. I want to learn how this works and open one in Honduras. We spent a lot of money and effort to come here and we feel good about what took place. These people are very worthy of our prayers and financial support. We have seen the fruit of their labors. We toured the orphanage and were so impressed with the labor of love.
Nicaragua has very beautiful flowers and there doesn’t seem to be as much trash along the roads as in Honduras. It was very hot in Managua but much cooler at the orphanage.
When we were driving back to the hotel I kept thinking of that song “Go reach the world”. Someone has to do it! People have really lost their burden for lost souls. Cheri made a statement when we were discussing this, and said, “our greatest weapon here is love”. I know they sincerely love these people and the effects of that love is bringing tremendous results.
When we reached our hotel, the Best Western, I was so happy to find they have HOT WATER. It’s like liquid gold!!! It’s right across the street from the airport. We have to get up at 5 am to catch our plane. It’s been a very long but very rewarding day!