Honduras Part 5
Friday January 19, 2001 Day 5 of Honduras trip
I hope that whoever reads this account of our trip will be blessed and that it will give them a burden to reach out to souls while there is still time.
Another thing I have observed about eating, is that the people give you a plate that is already filled. You don’t really have choices about what you want to eat. I usually can find a willing taker for what I don’t want. I never want the food to go to waste when I know how poor these people are.
We had another long drive to a place called Catacamas, almost 4 hours. I’ll never get used to the driving here. Horses and cows wander into the road at random times plus all the crazy drivers. We had to cross a river several feet deep because the bridge washed out in the hurricane and hasn’t been replaced.
The hotel is not the Hilton! There is no light in the bathroom and it is the worst so far. I can’t complain though, it’s much better than where most of these people live.
The service was packed. Many people were outside because there was no more room inside the building. Most of these people have come to the Lord through the radio broadcasts. The Word is preached on the radio which reaches very remote areas that can only be reached by walking or horseback. The pastor’s name is Bro Aquilas and he is absolutely overflowing with joy. We might not speak the same language but I can interpret joy without an interpreter! He was telling us how he was assaulted several months ago on his way to church. The robbers made him lay face down on the ground. The police arrived and were shooting right over his head! Two of the robbers were killed. Thankfully the Lord protected his servant!
John preached the first of 3 services on prayer. He gave a lot of our personal testimonies of how God answered prayer. The people were very blessed. I believe God spoke to many hearts and it helped to raise the people’s faith. Afterwards we went to eat dinner at someone’s house. I gave most of mine away. I also told them I would pass on breakfast tomorrow. I’m so tired I would rather sleep than eat!
We came back to our hotel room where I’m pretty sure John Wayne might have had a shoot out at some point! There are holes in the walls similar to gunshot holes!
It’s hard to describe how poor these people are and yet so content, so happy! It’s a different mentality. They are seeking to survive, while we are seeking to improve our lives. I keep thinking about that scripture “to whom much is given, much will be required” I believe when God compares us to these people we will come up short.
I really love these people. I just wish I could communicate without an interpreter. I have learned a lot of Spanish and everyday I understand more. Someday I hope I can speak it fluently.