Stolen purse


Stolen PurseDid you ever have something stolen?

My daughter called me this morning from Pittsburgh and told me someone broke into her house last night and stole her car also. She was understandably very upset. They took all her money and her I.d. I gave her my best advice which was to call Onstar and have them help her locate the vehicle and they also can remotely turn the car off. The police came and fingerprinted the house. The thieves of course stole more than a car and money, they stole her sense of security and peace of mind.

I immediately prayed for her when I got off the phone and as I prayed I remembered how the Lord had come to my rescue many years ago when I faced a similar situation.

We decided to take the kids to Chuck e cheese for a kind of end of summer celebration. School was starting in a few days and we just wanted to do something fun before homework and early bedtimes ensued. We were all playing games in the restaurant when John, my husband, asked me if I wanted him to watch my purse. I agreed as it would free me up to help the younger children. After about 30 minutes I walked over to where John was playing basketball with our son and asked if I could have my purse. He looked around and didn’t see it. We frantically searched the building as well as the dumpsters in the parking lot. We called the police and reported the theft. They gave me very little hope for recovering my purse. In the city of Flint this is a common occurrence.

As we drove home my mind was whirling with all the calls I needed to make when we arrived home. I thought of all the valuable things I had just lost. My house keys as well as the keys to our business, my drivers license, credit cards, checkbook, cell phone…. When we got home I immediately began cancelling my credit cards, the bank would have to wait till morning. We literally took the house numbers off the mailbox and changed the locks on our doors.

We then gathered in our bedroom with all 7 children and knelt beside our bed. John told us a story about a man who had his car stolen and a minister prayed that God would bring conviction on the man who stole the car and return it safely. That is exactly what happened. The man got his car back unharmed. We reminded the Lord of this incident as we prayed and asked Him to return my purse unharmed. I called my cell phone several times throughout the night hoping someone would answer and I could plead for the return of my purse, to no avail.

The next morning I anxiously waited for the clock to hit 9am so I could call the bank and cancel my checking account. I was reaching for the phone to place the call when it rang, startling me! I answered it. Someone asked for me and I affirmed that it was indeed me! They told me they were from the Flint post office and my purse had been found in the lobby.  I could hardly believe it! I asked her to open it and begin checking for certain items. Yes, my cell phone, wallet, checkbook, keys, etc…. Were all there! I was absolutely stunned. She gave me directions to the post office. I called John and we immediately went to pick up my purse.

I sat in awe in the car as I looked through the contents of my purse. Even the few dollars of cash still remained. The amazing thing was that the post office was at least 10 miles from where my purse was stolen! I realized the Lord had honored our prayers in a supernatural way. He had brought conviction on the person who stole it and it was returned unharmed. It was truly a miracle. I’m praying for the safe return of my daughter’s car also. Onstar is a wonderful resource, but the Lord doesn’t need to use it to locate her car. He can not only locate the car but bring conviction to the one who stole it.

I was just about to post my blog when my daughter called and told me Onstar has found her car! Praise God for answering prayer!!!!

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