Esteemable Things

Esteemable ThingsWant to make a difference?

What are esteemable things? Things that build our self esteem. I know someone that battles depression and I also know the advice given to him by my husband, do esteemable things everyday. Just doing little things each and every day can reap really big  rewards in our attitudes!

Sometimes we are trapped by situations and the worst of these being, we are trapped in our minds. We are literally in a prison within ourselves with bars on the windows and guards at the door! There is only one person that can set us free and that person happens to be us.  We let the walls of doubt and fear become so tall that we actually start believing they are insurmountable.  We need to do esteemable things to break down the walls to either move the mountains in front of us, or climb over them.

We can believe our problem is so great that nothing can fix it. Try doing an esteemable thing. I read of a lady who lived in the mountains of Appalachia. She had no electricity, heat or running water. Someone came by and asked her what she would do with a million dollars. She rocked in her chair and contemplated the question. She looked up and said ” I would give it to some poor people”. Wow. It just goes to show you that poverty isn’t necessarily the state of having few worldly goods. It is a state of mind. I have been to Honduras several times and spent time with the wonderful people there. They have few worldly goods but they are extremely happy and extremely rich in the blessings of God. They love to serve you and feel so honored to do so. Serving others is an esteemable thing and builds your character.

Everything has a price. It seems like we all are concerned about how much something costs, but what about the value. It costs us something to do an esteemable thing, but what about the value of what it meant to someone else?

I have a dear friend who sends me a card every week. I look forward to those cards, those words of encouragement and letting me know he is praying for me. It gives me courage that one day I will have my health restored. It is an esteemable thing he does and of great value to me!

I have another friend with a burden to help homeless people.  That could be very challenging and not at all rewarding but it is an esteemable thing to do and help yourself at the same time. Our serving of others has eternal value, unlike some monetary thing that is easier to do.

Sometimes it’s hard to pray for yourself or for your situation. You’re so closely invested in it that you can’t pray and really have faith. However, it’s easier to pray for someone else and you feel you can have faith God will answer your prayers for them. It’s the same way with doing an esteemable thing. It helps you feel better by helping others and increases your faith.

During this holiday season there are many to reach out to. A card, a plate of cookies or candy can do wonders for someone. Even better is when the holidays are over and you make a determined effort to do esteemable things every day!

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