Personal Presence Of God

Personal Presence Of GodSo often we go through our day and never think about the Presence of God.

He seems so far away and sometimes we feel He is so far away that He couldn’t possibly know what we are going through. The reality is that He promised to never leave us or forsake us. We forsake one another because of anger, pain, hurtful words and actions etc. God on the other hand chooses not to forsake us because His love is so powerful and all encompassing that He can love  us no matter how badly we fall or fail.

It is so amazing to me to go somewhere where there are thousands of people and to think that God not only knows their thoughts but their names, addresses how many hairs are on their heads etc.. It’s hard to comprehend that kind of knowledge. But greater than that is the fact that He loves each one equally, no favorites!

I remember when my first daughter was born and we looked into those lovely big blue eyes for the first time. You feel  an overwhelming protective love so powerful  that it brings tears to your eyes. You know you would give your life to save that child from harm. She was so innocent, so utterly helpless. I literally fell so deeply in love with that precious little bundle that day, I couldn’t imagine ever being able to love another child as much as I loved her. My dear friend told me “oh when you have another baby your love just expands” Well 14 months later when my second daughter was born, I found that to be true. It remained true through the births of my next 5 children! I never imagined having 7 children but now I can’t imagine what my life would have been without each of them.  I dearly love them and so much enjoy spending time with each one. Though many miles separate us they are always in my thoughts and continually in my prayers.

I think the Lord is constantly thinking of us also and loves us so much and is concerned about all that concerns us. It is such an awesome thought to think the creator of all things cares about what I’m going through! I remember one time I was driving to the city of Flint which is about 25 minutes away. I was about 10 minutes into my trip when something spoke to me to get off at the next exit and get my oil changed. What? Where is this coming from? I ignored it but it came again.  I was near a familiar exit so I got off the highway and went directly to the oil change place. As I pulled into the building, smoke was coming out from under the hood of my car.  The attendant opened the hood and told me there wasn’t a drop of oil in my engine and it was at the brink of catching on fire! Oh my. There was a leak that I knew nothing about and all I could think about was that I was so grateful to God for caring so much that He warned me.  I was even more grateful that I listened to His voice.

His presence is always with us even though we don’t recognize it or sometimes even consider how powerful it is to have a manifestation of such love.

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