God’s Invisible Fence
We have an invisible fence for our chocolate lab, Penny. When she was 4 months old, I had walked outside to find her, she had been playing in the yard. I didn’t see her so I called her name. Unfortunately, she was across the road and she always came flying when you called her. There just happened to be a car coming when she crossed the road.
It clipped her back end and broke her pelvic bone. We took her to the vet and they wanted to insert a pin into the bone to hold it while it healed. It was a $2000.00 surgery. I already loved this dog and we had formed an attachment and bond that was very special. The vet told me the bone would heal on its own if I kept her in a cage for 6 weeks while it healed. So that’s what I chose to do, not the expensive surgery. I carried her outside to use the bathroom, fed her ice cubes for entertainment and spent hours with her while the bone mended. The time came to run in the yard again and with that time came worry, that she would cross that road again. The solution, an Invisible Fence.
I really didn’t think anything invisible could contain my very energetic dog but I was pleasantly surprised. The wire is buried in the ground and the signal goes 8 feet in every direction. When the dog gets close, the chip on it’s collar starts to beep and the dog learns to stop. If it continues it gets zapped. They say a dog can test those boundaries up to 14 times a day. Penny went through the training period with flying colors. She quickly learned where all the boundaries were. Instead of trying to chase dogs or horses she calmly sits in the yard. She will not cross that invisible line.
I believe as christians we hear those warning bells of temptation also. We have a choice to continue and get zapped by the consequences or back off and heed the warning bells. Everyday we have thoughts and temptations to battle and choices to make. I believe the closer we get to Christ, the louder those warning bells are ringing. The devil is standing there at that invisible line, beckoning us to come. He tells us “come on, you can get away with it. No one will know”. And then we hear that still small voice of God and we clearly know where the boundaries of that invisible fence are located. He will never force us to choose correctly but we will reap what we sow! As that quote says “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” Let’s take the high road. When we are near that invisible line of sin and hear the warning bells, turn and choose wisely. That invisible fence in our yard has saved the life of my dog on countless occasions. I believe God’s invisible fence has saved mine!
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