A Drop In The Bucket

a drop in the bucketWe have all used the phrase A Drop In The Bucket! When our roof is leaking and we put a literal bucket to catch those pesky drops we hope they are few and far between. However when we work really hard for a promotion at work or maybe a huge project at home we hope every drop of effort will reap its rewards. Do you ever feel like you are so insignificant that you could never make a difference, no matter how much effort you put into something? That no matter how hard you tried your accomplishments would only amount to a drop in the bucket? I think we have all battled those thoughts! We work really hard just to see someone else take the credit, miss that appointment due to a flat tire or traffic jam? The wonderful thing about God is that defeat and discouragement are not in His vocabulary!!! oh what a thought.  We have to look back to the many godly examples of men and women who faced great obstacles and overcame them, one drop at a time.  Did you ever hear of Susanna Wesley? She had 19 children, survived 2 tragic house fires, poverty, marital problems etc…She also possessed an incredible faith  Her daily prayer was that God would use her to change the world. God honored her prayer and her faith and used her 2 sons, John and Charles to change the world they lived in. John became a preacher and Charles a hymn writer. Most of us have never heard of Susanna Wesley but most of the Christian world are familiar with John and Charles.  Susanna’s  prayers probably felt like a drop in the bucket but the results were world changing! I think we would all love to change the world but are we willing to believe those small drops in the bucket, those little changes are having an effect on our future? They are!

Every act of kindness, word of encouragement and prayer of faith is a continual drop in that eternal bucket. Every drop is being carefully recorded by our Heavenly Father and one day you will be amazed at the difference you made in someone’s life!

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