He is Alive
He’s Alive and well, living in me to tell the world that He is the same…
If you look at the calendar it claims it is spring here in Michigan. If you look outside at the 5 inches of snow still clinging to my flowerbeds you will pause and consider! It is a warmer day today though for which I am grateful. I actually hung clothes on the line as the temperature crept up to 50 degrees! I also opened the back pasture and let my goats free to stretch their legs.
Yes I am anxious for spring to arrive. Those balmy breezy days when I so much enjoy being outside. Who knows when it will happen for real but we know it will because there is a promised resurrection of life each spring.
Easter is this coming Sunday, and of course the whole world will pause and remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. I love the music we sing on Easter, proclaiming that our God reigns and is alive and has risen. What a wonderful time to honor our risen Lord. But even greater is the fact that He not only rose from the dead but continues to live! He is still the same and will continue to be the same. Can you imagine anyone you know actually remaining the same year after year? They could always be counted on? Always faithful? Yes, I don’t know anyone either!
What a wonderful thing it is to be able to count on the resurrection of life each year. I watch my beautiful flowers fade and die and not a trace of life remains visible as winter comes. In the spring those same flowers push through the soil to a glorious resurrection of life. New green foliage appears and once again they bloom.
What is even greater is the fact that we can count on a daily resurrection. Each morning when we wake, He is already there. He said He would never leave us! How many people have said those words to you and they haven’t been a part of your life for decades? What about when your heart is so heavy and overwhelmed and you need comfort? Everyone is too busy with their own lives to care about yours? You can always receive comfort and direction from our Lord Jesus. We have that invisible connection at all hours of the day, it’s called prayer. We have a Word we can open at anytime and read His promises to us. HE IS ALIVE!!!
On that glorious resurrection morning 2000 years ago it was indeed a wonderful day. Today, all these years later it is an even greater miracle to believe and know that Jesus Christ has risen in your heart and continues to bring us life in this dismal day we are living in. He is an ever present help in all of our trials.
You might be going through hard trials, so am I. I know that I can’t do this on my own and He has never asked me to. It’s hard to trust people because they fail. Our God has never failed or come short of doing exactly what He said He would.
If you have never experienced the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ in your life, take time today to find Him. He is only a prayer away. HE IS ALIVE AND WELL.