Forgetting the Past….
Never be a prisoner to your past, it was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

It’s so hard to believe another year is literally in the books. It is forever recorded in the personal log of our lives. We made plenty of mistakes and there were also days of rejoicing. We have fond memories as well as those we wish to erase from memory. As another year is beckoning me to come and explore, I want to take some time to reflect on the past.
I think the first and foremost thoughts we have as we reflect on the past, are the mistakes we have made. They seem to be like glaring headlines making us feel like retreating to the corner of the room and taking refuge. When we dwell on these types of thoughts it diffuses the power we have right in front of us. There is simply no power in the past because it offers no hope. We can only look back and feel regret and sorrow. The Bible says, today is the day of salvation not yesterday and not tomorrow. We have no promise of tomorrow.
We need to eagerly embrace today! God has allowed us to live and breathe and exist TODAY. We need to forget the past, yes say goodbye! I can only look to the past if it’s because I want to thank the Lord for His blessings and all He has brought me through. I can not look back at my failures because it will bring discouragement and discomfort. We need to press forward and claim the promises of God.
I have a number of health issues I have to deal with this year. I am seeking direction from the Lord before I proceed. Do I wish they would go away? Of course! The greater question would be, when they don’t go away will I maintain my steadfast respect and trust for my Heavenly Father? If I start allowing myself to doubt and fear then I am expressing my lack of trust to my faithful God.
God does not control the way we think and the thoughts we allow to be in our minds. He has given us choices, He has also given us promises. If we choose to view a situation negatively we are robbing ourselves of the faith we need to remedy it. If we believe He is with us and will help us, He will!
I want to rededicate my life to the Lord as I enter this new year. I don’t make resolutions because I know I won’t keep them. Instead, I just want to view it as a fresh new start. I want to make better choices, exercise my faith muscles when the chips are down, and most of all, overcome all that is set before me.
I want to always keep before me that I serve a great big God who can fix anything and shelter me through all the storms I will face.