Day 1 Israel Tour

My bible began to come alive……..

Day 1 Israel Tour

Before I start on our journey through Israel I just want to mention an app that you can use to communicate back home. It’s called whatsapp and you can use it to email, text and call anywhere in the world for free. You use the wifi wherever you are at, and you don’t have to pay for the service. I was able to constantly update our family chat with pictures as well as call home every day. You just download it onto your phone.

That first morning we had about 20 minutes to walk down to the Mediterranean and take pictures. There were surfers and the scenery was breathtaking. We then headed out on our beautiful bus, brand new with only 1000 miles on it. Wifi too! We went to a place called Caeserea. This was where Peter had his first gentile convert and where Paul was in prison for 2 years. There was a theater there more than 3000 years old. Then on to see the aquifer built by the Roman’s that brought water to the area.

Then on to Mt Carmel where it was pouring rain. I thought of that long ago day when the Lord consumed Elijah’s sacrifice with fire.  Israel only gets between 40-55 days of rain a year, so this was a huge blessing for them.

We ate at a Druze restaurant. I’m not quite sure what they believe, but they aren’t Jews and they believe in reincarnation.

We then drove through a really lush area where they have planted over 300 million trees. I felt like I was in the upper peninsula of Michigan! The terrain was so similar. This was not what I expected Israel to look like! I have been to Egypt which is 80% desert and I expected the same here. Israel is mostly mountains! Wow. Incredibly beautiful. Everywhere you went there were flowers. Breathtaking, flowers.

We then drove along the Jezreel valley where the battle of Armageddon will take place. It is a lovely valley and they said you can grow anything there! We went to the old walled city of Megiddo. We walked up a mountain and saw where they had kept 450 horses in a very small enclosed area. We then walked down 183 steps into this underground tunnel where they kept their water supply safe from their enemies. I was never so scared in my life! The steps were wet and it was terrifying seeing the area below. I just kept praying I wouldn’t slip. I couldn’t believe I actually survived it! I wouldn’t recommend it for the faint of heart for sure!

We passed a prison where 95% of the prisoners are terrorists. The Israelis are constantly under attack and are very vigilant about protecting their country. We headed to Nazareth where we would stay for the next 3 nights and take day trips from there. Nazareth is divided into upper and lower. The Jews live in the lower Nazareth and the Arabs in the upper.

Our final stop of the day was at Mary’s well. This is where the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary. We drank water from the well. A church has been erected over the well.

We finally arrived at our hotel. Wow, what a day. I felt like a sponge just absorbing history and watching my bible come alive right before my eyes. To walk where Jesus and the disciples had walked was the greatest feeling.

Stay tuned for Day 2

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