Traveling It Makes You Speechless, Then Turns You Into A Storyteller
Take every chance you get in life, some things only happen once
Many of you have been asking me when I’m going to write about my trip to Israel. It seems like I have been so busy since I have gotten back and it just hasn’t been the right time. I want to take my time as I describe to you the beautiful land of Israel. I have taken an additional trip since getting back, planted my garden and flowerbeds, had a root canal that did not go well and a number of other things. That is the reason for the delay. I am taking one more short trip up to northern Michigan and Canada and then I will begin my story of Israel!
Today, I just wanted to share some of the highlights. Israel is rruly amazing. I felt like I had 4000 years of history crammed in my head in a mere span of 10 days. There was so much to absorb. I felt like my bible became alive right in front of me. I had no idea the gates of hell was a real place. I always thought it was a spiritual reference. I stood in front of the gates of hell and just reflected on all the evil things that had transpired there.
I had no idea that the Jews and Palestinians have their own sections to live in. There are fences/walls that you dare not cross or your life will be in danger. If you’re a Jew, you do not cross the fence into Palestinian territory. And vice versa. Israel is surrounded by their enemies. They are also within their country. They know all about fighting enemies both within and without. It reminded me of how the devil is constantly attacking us. The Israelis are diligently vigilant about protecting their borders. They have a fierce love for their country and all are willing to fight to the death to protect it. You can’t really embrace the full meaning of freedom without having fought for it. When its given to you, but you never physically had to fight for it, it isn’t as valuable. We who have freedom need to appreciate and respect it, as well as always be mindful of those that died, that we might be free. Oh what a price!
I always thought Israel was mostly desert, just like Egypt. It is however, mostly mountains. When I gazed at the cattle grazing on the hills, I knew where the inspiration for the scripture, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, came from!
As we traveled through the country and saw all the historical landmarks, I became more and more grateful that I had the opportunity to experience it. You can’t really explain the experience of floating in the Dead Sea, you just have to do it! I did not need to see the empty tomb to know He is alive, but I’m so thankful I got to go inside it! The beautiful Sea of Galilee, the Garden of Gethsemane, Jericho, the Dead Sea……it was all so incredible and I wish to express in much greater detail in another week or so. So stay tuned for my report to that glorious land of Israel.