In God We Trust Part 2

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding

In God We Trust Part 2

I believe there are many people who claim to trust in God. I think the proper terminology would be that they trust there is a God. How many have a true personal revelation that He is their God? Do we really trust Him? If we did, then why do we worry? Why do we fret about our finances? Our health? Why do we get angry at the government ? I could go on and on. My point is this, if God is who He says He is, then we need to make some serious changes!

Noah had never seen rain because it had never rained before. He trusted God to spend 120 years preaching to people who did not choose to trust God and then built an ark. Can you imagine having that kind of trust? A confidence that God would do exactly what He said He would do no matter what everyone thought about it? He proved his unwavering trust by obeying His voice.

Job, in the bible, had the ultimate testimony of his trust in God. He lost everything except his life and yet he steadfastly claimed, “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him”. Such powerful words. They stir me every time I read them.

We find that as we go through life, people let us down. They make promises they can’t keep,  meaningless vows…….we try to trust in ourselves and our own abilities. It doesnt take long to fail at that! We need to not call ourselves christians, we need to prove that we are! By trusting in a God who does not make mistakes and claiming His promises to live a life worthy of Him. Let Him brag about us as he did Job!

We think our thoughts are of God. The bible says His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Every man is right in his own eyes. That’s why the world is in the state it’s in. Everyone thinks they’re right. Wow, what a mess! Our forefathers got on their knees and called out to almighty God for direction and protection. They believed that God was with them and sought His counsel. God is the same today as He was then. Oh what a glorious privilege to serve Him!

When our children were small they completely trusted us to meet their needs. They didn’t worry if there would be food on the table, or shelter or clothing. We don’t need to either! We simply need to trust our heavenly father who promised to supply all of our needs. He promised to never leave us or forsake us!

The Word of God is filled with precious promises that are for believers. If you believe in something you also will trust and have confidence in it. We might stamp “in God  we trust” on our coins, but we need to stamp it on our hearts. It means nothing unless you put it into practice each and every moment of your life.

If I am arrested for being a christian, I definitely want there to be enough evidence to convict me!

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