Shake It Off
Do you ever want to just shake it off,
I’m talking about a bad situation?
We all go through situations that we wish we could just shake off and they would disappear. Unfortunately for the most part this doesn’t… Continue reading
Worry. It’s one of my greatest battles. Here is my definition of worry: It is believing that a very trustworthy God who has never made a mistake or failed in any way has suddenly become incapable of handling my situation! Remember this is my defintion. I have been through tremendous trials and have been able to set aside my worry and fear and place my trials in God’s hands many times over the years but on a daily basis it has become a constant enemy.
I have 2 cats Arthur and Colonel Mustard. Earlier this summer Colonel Mustard was missing for about 36 hours. Both cats are just over a year old and neutered so they generally stay at home. As the hours went on and I couldnt find my cat, my anxiety increased and Continue reading