Things to think about

Goals aka Dreams With Deadlines

Goals aka Dreams With DeadlinesGoals Are Dreams With Action Attached To Them.

Sometimes I think we needlessly suffer because we don’t set realistic goals we can hold ourselves accountable to. I once attended a funeral where an illustration was given that the man who died had used in his life to prod others to set goals.  He would hand a basketball to someone Continue reading

Let It Snow, Let It Snow………

Let it SnowLet it snow! It is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. The snow is coming down very heavily and covering the branches and several inches have accumulated on the ground. The forecast has been changed 3 times. It started at 2 inches then 5-8 and now 6-10 inches before midnight. I am sitting by the fire in our kitchen enjoying the wonderful display of God’s handiwork outside. It is truly one of my favorite things, the first real snowstorm of the season.

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Personal Presence Of God

Personal Presence Of GodSo often we go through our day and never think about the Presence of God.

He seems so far away and sometimes we feel He is so far away that He couldn’t possibly know what we are going through. The reality is that He promised to never leave us or forsake us. We forsake one another because of anger, pain, hurtful words and actions etc. God on the other hand chooses not to forsake us because His love is so powerful and all encompassing that He can love  us no matter how badly we fall or fail. Continue reading