Special days
Black Friday Mayhem
There is a good chance that you might get caught up in Black Friday Mayhem.
On Thanksgiving Day, after the meal is finished there is a mad scramble for the gigantic newspaper that is filled with Black Friday ads. It is time to map out our strategy for Black Friday Mayhem shopping! Continue reading
Veterans Day!
Today is Veterans Day. It’s a day we don’t acknowledge often enough. It has been said that, “In war there are no unwounded soldiers.” Every soldier that comes home, is affected from being overseas. We must not forget how much they need our support both here and overseas. We need to honor and be grateful to all those who are serving our country and have served in the past. They should be greatly appreciated for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make that we might have liberty. We need to keep them in our prayers and support their families here while they are away. I am including some information about how to support the troops overseas as well as military families here in America. Also here are some quotes that I found very uplifting! Continue reading