Monthly Archives: November 2015
A Drop In The Bucket
We have all used the phrase A Drop In The Bucket! When our roof is leaking and we put a literal bucket to catch those pesky drops we hope they are few and far between. However when we work really hard for a promotion at work or maybe a huge project at home we hope every drop of effort will reap its rewards. Do you ever feel like you are so Continue reading
Beginnings. Wow, how many times have we experienced them in our lives? New experiences constantly, relationships, friendships, jobs, babies, travels etc.. always new beginnings. Well today represents a new beginning for me as I explore writing this blog! I want to share with you a life filled with a wealth of experiences that will make you laugh and cry but will give you courage to press through those times of heartache and despair. As a young child I longed to be a reporter, I wanted to see the world and write about how it made me feel. Instead, Continue reading